
Morpheus8: The New Nonsurgical Facelift Everyone Is Talking About (Microneedling With RF)

Apr 05, 2024
Morpheus8: The New Nonsurgical Facelift Everyone Is Talking About (Microneedling With RF)
Facelift results without the incisions and downtime? It’s not too good to be true. This blog covers all the details of one of the industry’s leading nonsurgical aesthetic treatments available. Keep reading to find out if Morpheus8 is right for you.

Something has to be done about your jiggly jowls and turkey neck, but before you resign yourself to a trip to the operating room, consider your options. 

Though traditional facelifts do have their time and place, it’s not your only (or even the best) course of action. These days, modern aesthetics offer a scalpel-free path to younger, healthier-looking skin. 

Kathleen J. Smith, MD, and our Dermatology Specialists of Atlanta team are proud to be among those paving the way. 

Here’s a closer look at Morpheus8 treatments, one of our most popular and effective anti-aging treatments.

Why you need to lift your face in the first place

Take a look at any co-ed or glance at the cover of any magazine. What do they all have in common? Firm, supple skin from head to toe.

That’s because the younger crowd still has ample amounts of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins found in your skin that hold it up and help it bounce back after being stretched.

As you age and your skin takes a beating from UV rays and environmental aggressors, collagen and elastin break down, and your body stops making more to replace it. The result is flimsy, saggy skin that wrinkles easily and makes you look much older than you feel.

Some take one look in the mirror and head straight to the nearest plastic surgeon — if your skin laxity issues are severe, that may be the best choice. But if you’ve caught sagging skin in its earliest stages, you’re likely a candidate for nonsurgical options like Morpheus8. 

How Morpheus8 works

The Morpheus8 system is an advanced aesthetic treatment that combines the power of microneedling with radio-frequency (RF) energy. 

First, the tiny needles create micro-injuries in your skin. This process alone stimulates collagen production and tissue and cellular repair. RF energy follows the microneedling device to make even more microscopic damage, further stimulating your body’s healing response.

RF microneedling is a safe and effective treatment for many common signs of aging, including skin laxity, wrinkles, and stretch marks. It also reduces the appearance of acne and surgical scars, and even uneven skin tone.

What to expect

RF microneedling is minimally invasive, so there’s not much you need to do to prepare for treatment. However, you’ll need to clear up any active acne breakouts or cold sores and protect your skin from irritation in the days and weeks following your appointment. 

When you arrive, our team cleanses and prepares the treatment site. Most tolerate the procedure well, but if you’re worried about discomfort, we can administer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to keep you relaxed and comfortable. 

The entire procedure shouldn’t take very long (around 10-20 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area). Afterward, your skin may feel mildly irritated, as if you got a sunburn, but that usually fades a few hours after treatment. 

All side effects, including redness, itching, dry skin, flaking, and swelling, subside within three to five days, and once they’re gone, you’re left with firmer, more supple skin. 

We recommend all patients follow basic skin care best practices after RF microneedling. That means:

  • Avoiding overexposure to the sun
  • Wearing sunscreen and/or protective clothing at all times
  • Using gentle cleansers and moisturizers
  • Staying hydrated

If you’re ready to reclaim your youthful glow without going under the knife, we want to talk. Call or click to schedule a consultation with the team at our Decatur, Georgia, office today.